Verification models

The system masters all current models for the verification of the vaccination or test status. The modes may change due to normative or organisational requirements and specifications.
The verification is always based on the European (Switzerland + UK) digital vaccination certificate. The vaccination certificate has been extended over time to include Tested and Convalescent. The QR codes are issued in public places and can be imported into the respective local apps.

The system also supports the connection to own test centres and the associated own logic in the QR code and the verification of this data.

The system supports the normative legal requirement of 2FA verification, i.e. not only the check of the QR code and its correctness, but also the cross-check against an official document such as an ID card or passport. Only the two-factor verification guarantees the implementation of the legal guidelines!

The verifications described below can be coupled with the document scanner at any time.

At the time of writing this documentation, the following verification procedures are supported or will be made available shortly:


Type of examination



PCR test only, usually maximum age 48 hours

1G Mixed

PCR + antigen test, maximum duration 48 hours



Only recovered or vaccinated


2G+ (Plus)

Recovered, vaccinated AND antigen test

Available shortly


Convalescent, vaccinated or tested (PCR)


Congenital, vaccinated or tested (PCR + antigen)


When connecting to private test centres, a separate QR code can be issued. This is checked in real time with a connection to the backend.

Available on request

Checking rapid test results has sometimes been a challenge for many German clients. Although test centres have to guarantee a connection to the RKI and the Corona Warn App (CWA) since 01.08.2021, this is not (yet) the case in many places.

You can find an overview of connected test centres in your region here: